1: Wrestlers must reside in NY State. Unaffiliated wrestlers must provide us with a club/school/town to be considered for rankings.
2: Wrestlers must be 12 or younger (by birth year). We do not rank modified wrestlers.
3: Varsity wrestlers are not considered for the rankings. We do not rank varsity wrestlers.
4: Rankings are based on birth year. No wrestler will be ranked unless we have their birth year.
5: Rankings are done from the NY Top 100 tournaments and any tournament that posts results online, including out of state tournaments.
6: Rankings are NOT done by a point system, they are agreed on by a committee. Rankings are based on who you beat, who you lost to and how (dec, maj, tf, fall). Placing at NY Top 100 tournaments as well as major level tournaments and duals will all be considered in the rankings.
7: Weight and age are taken into consideration when doing the rankings. Not all tournaments use the same age divisions and most use the madison system. So with that in mind we do take into consideration losses that occur to wrestlers who are not in the weight/age of the rankings.
8: Wrestlers must mark down the HIGEST 'Experience Level/Ability' AT EVERY TOURNAMENT. We do not rank wrestlers who ‘Trophy Hunt’. ‘Trophy Hunters’, lie about their experience level to be put in easier brackets to win individual trophies. This behavior continues to discourage novice wrestlers and benefits nobody.
9: Any Wrestlers caught doing a Novice Tournament or Super Novice Tournament will be removed from the rankings.
10: The final rankings are after NYWAY States and NY-USAW States. If your wrestler qualifies to go to states and doesn’t, they will be removed from the final rankings.
Removal From Rankings:
The first time a wrestler doesn’t mark down the highest experience level or wrestlers a Novice Tournament will not be considered for that iteration of the rankings or be removed from that iteration. If it happens twice they will be removed from the rankings for the season. If the parent or coach feels that wrestler is an average or just a good wrestler, then we will take their word for it and not rank them. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure their wrestler is marked down as the highest experience level. Don’t let a coach put your wrestler in as average so he can win a team trophy.