NY Top 100 Tournament Requirments
The NY Top 100 is a title placed on tournaments that agree to our standards and requriments. The goal of the NY Top 100 system
is to raise the standard of youth tournaments in NY state.
The results from the NY Top 100 tournaments will be used to rank youth wrestlers by birth year and weight group.
Tournament wanting to be a NY Top 100 tournament must contact us at webmaster@nyyouthwrestling.com and agree to the following:
1: Tournament must be held in NY State.
2: Tournament must use Certified Officials.
3: Tournament must have weigh ins. (no honor weigh ins, no coaches weigh ins)
4: Tournaments will not be allowed to ask for, or seperate wrestlers by: experience level, past records and/or years wrestled.
5: Tournament must email all results back to us within a week of the tournament. Included in the results must be each wrestlers Full Name, Club/School Name, Birth Date, Actual Weighed In Weight.
6: Tournaments using brackets (in any group) must return full, completed, brackets with results. If it is a round robin we will accept final results, but all wrestlers must be listed from the round robin. Must mark any round robin groups with a tie in it (please put a * next to the wrestlers with the tie).
7: Tournaments must be held within the season (from November - States) and can't be held at the same time in the same section/region as a state qualifier. Example: the weekend the NYWAY or NY-USAW holds their Central Regional there can be no NY Top 100 tournament in that section/region during that weekend.
8: Tournaments must now use the birth year divisions used in the rankings.
9: Tournaments using 'weight classes' instead of the madison system, must use the ranking weight classes.
Criteria for invite only NY Top 100 Tournament:
Wrestlers must live in NY State AND (one of the following)
are currently ranked OR
had been ranked at some point the previous season OR
placed, the previous season, at any one of the following tournaments:
NYWAY States, NY-USAW States, NUWAY Nationals, NUWAY Summer Nationals, MAWA Eastern Nationals, TOC, Tulsa, Reno or Super 32.